Monday, April 12, 2010

Sucked In To Prayer

It's like a vortex. One of those strong pulls you can't resist (and don't want to anyway!). Once I start praying, a whole cascade of things that need attention come to mind. Although I have a hard time focusing, period, I have an especially hard time filtering out the extra thoughts and just sticking to Jesus. I'd love a group of people to pray with, but my cg does it on Friday nights, when I'm never available.

This week, something has really been put on my heart for bringing before Jesus. I know that God is faithful no matter how he answers the prayer. But I know He is great and mighty and can definitely answer my prayer in ways that I can't even think up. So I'm holding on to that hope and approaching the throne boldly.

Evidences of God's Grace:
Shannon buying me coffee
Good, solid runs
Amazing three nights of tips at work
Looking back on past evidences of God's grace and just marveling at how magnificently He works!

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