Monday, November 30, 2009

Echo Glen

Ever spent an hour with over 100 convicted felons? I hadn't until today.. We had an assembly at Echo Glen and I went with my Canine Connections kids. I've always felt so secure there but today, with all the residents in the room, it just hit me differently. Don't get me wrong, I still love it there and spending time with 'my kids' but it just really led me to be thankful for the law enforcement officers and all the staff who are helping these kids become succesful citizens.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Sunday was made for fellowship. By that I mean spending time with other people who love Jesus. What a great day! Between working with the Pre-K kids at church and having a very fun lunch with my community group (cg) girls, it was a great day. I'm really coming to love and appreciate the girls/women in my cg more and more. I feel completely at home with them. With a lot of people, I tend not to talk because I know how I feel when someone gushes out their whole life story to me and it's one of those days when I just don't care. (I hope I'm not the only one who has those kinds of days!) But these women really do care. They are the biggest evidence of God's grace in my life today. And that God led me to that group, and that He has allowed me to open up to all of them.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Right behind the clouds

"there's a big blue sky waitin' right behind the clouds!"

Even when life at home sucks, even when thinking of certain people makes my heart ache, even when my Saturday is composed of chores, homework, and work, there are things to be thankful for. God is good and has given me motivation again to spend time with Him. On a day that I really needed to work a late shift at work, someone called and asked if I wanted to switch shifts so she would work the 4pm shift and I'll work the 6pm shift. The girls at my community group are going out for lunch tomorrow. And I'm thankful that I'm remembering everything I need to get done.

Friday, November 27, 2009

This Day I Thank You, Jesus

It’s been SO long since I’ve posted. But I’ve been hit pretty hard with how unthankful we are as a culture. On my Facebook yesterday, I posted “thanksgiving should be a lifestyle” not just a holiday. I attempt to remind myself of how blessed I am by once a week or so having my journaling be a list of evidences of God’s grace. Let me share some of my recent ones:
  • Jill Bakke–a faithful friend
  • an amazing community group and its leaders
  • a warm, safe house
  • getting a 95% on a hard paper
  • breaks in between the rain clouds
  • laughing with co-workers
  • dinner with Allie Dunham
  • provision for our community group’s Halloween neighborhood party
  • rest
  • Caroline Forsythe’s determination to be happy at Hillsdale College
  • satisfaction with performance of my monologue
  • Mars Hill Church
  • peace during arguments
  • Emily Yeaton and Heather Day praying for me
  • great times in The Word
  • recognition of sin
  • health
  • courage to read my Bible at school
  • stamps to mail cards
  • sun
  • Thanksgiving with my whole family
  • $102 in tips the day before Thanksgiving
  • Christmas music
  • a day in downtown Seattle
  • courage to pursue scary, but potentially life-changing possibilities
  • my kids at Echo Glen
Enjoy your weekend–I’m going to really try to keep posting on here, even if it’s just to post the evidences of God’s grace for the day.

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