Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cause when I think of you I don't feel so alone

I spent most of today contemplating how good it would feel to fall asleep. :) The life of a college student is so thrilling. It never ceases to amaze me, though, how much people matter. Like when I walk into my English class, I hate it. It's terrible. The prof is boring, the people are druggies and running start kids who don't care, and the assignments aren't clear. But when I head over to Geology, my little groupie totally makes my day. Kate, Nico, and Argin--I wouldn't have known them from any other random student at the beginning of the quarter. Just the fact that I "happened" to sit by Kate and start talking with her because of Janda Bean, that's a huge evidence of God's grace. I wouldn't have survived Geology or been the hard working student I've been without them. 

While I'm sitting here, at my desk, with geology flashcards under my coffee mug and a picture of my sweet friend Cortney framed on my desk and a huge collage of pictures of the people that mean the most to me on my right, I encourage anyone who happens to read this to let your friends KNOW you appreciate them. 

Awesome Geology kids
Wordle: Untitled
Some people I'm very very thankful for

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