Friday, July 23, 2010

Pop! goes the shoulder

During my nightly workout my lovely shoulder popped and I have no idea if it'll be fine for Academy. This will be interesting.

On another note, I have an amazing community group. We talked today about where we want to take our group as far as service goes, since we're so new. It looks like we all have a heart for youth and the young people of Redmond, so I'm excited to see how things develop within our group! I truly feel Jesus working in that group, and that's not something I can say often. The prayer time with Jessie and Emily (squared) was deep and we were all able to be very vulnerable and honest. I discovered that Emily J. is a lot more like me than I knew, and I like her very much.

For the few of you who know about it, my family crap has re-surfaced in full swing and I realized today how much genuine prayer will help in the situation. So please be in prayer for it.

Though dark my path and sad my lot, let me be still and murmur not, or breathe the prayer divinely taught, Thy will be done. 

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