Here's Jill's story:
Sex. To hundreds of
young people across the world, sex trafficking is a daily reality. In our
globalized world, it has become an even larger problem. People can order sex
slaves online and have them delivered within a few short weeks (Not For Sale,
2009). Sex trafficking can be simply defined as people being coerced into
submitting to exploitation—specifically sexual exploitation (, n.d.).
The U.S. Department of State estimated that approximately 600,000 to 800,000
people are trafficked across U.S. borders each year (, n.d., para 8).
This is just the number coming into the United States from abroad. Other
estimates say as many as four million people are trafficked every year
on a mission trip to Haiti in 2010, Jill Bakke felt God’s calling to pursue
missions. Jill attended University of the Nations, a Christian mission-focused
university in Kona, Hawaii, to study photography. Injustices of many kinds
frustrate Jill, and she decided to bring awareness to the problems across the
world through photography. Unlike other mediums, photography puts a face on an
issue. Instead of thinking that human trafficking is a problem somewhere far
away, photography shows the pain in the women’s eyes and the poverty in which
they live. Jill attributes her skill in photography to a gift that God has
given her to use in a way that gives him glory—specifically by increasing
awareness to these issues. She wishes that people in the United States realized
how prevalent sex trafficking is—not only in other countries but in our own
figurative backyard.
With A Mission and PhotogenX forms trips for students to travel around the
world and make a difference through ministry. Jill’s group is comprised of
eight women and two men—mostly in their early 20s. Complete strangers at the
beginning of the trip, these ten people will visit Thailand, India, Egypt,
Jordan, Kenya, South Africa, Israel, many countries in Europe, Argentina, and wrap
up the trip in Hawaii. Through this journey, the entire team has grown closer
together as they share the mission which drives them all—stopping the
In Thailand, Jill visited a very small hill tribe to see
how the people live, work with a ministry that provides supplies, and
photograph what the team discovered. Trafficking can be a problem in this part
of the country because the tribes are struck by poverty and need to find a way
to pay for goods. Since the ministry has arrived in the village and provided
help, the number of trafficking instances has decreased significantly. In this
tight-knit community, Jill and her team found that even though they were living
in poverty, tribe members were more than happy to share what they had with the
Another incredible story came from her visit to Chiang
Rai, Thailand. For a week, Jill spent time with a group of monk novices. She
heard the stories of why the novices chose the lifestyle and from where they
came. According to the head of the group, most of the young men were from the
Burma and China areas. To escape the large amount of drug trafficking and avoid
being forced into the trafficking lifestyle, parents would send their sons to
become monks. After being part of the monkhood for 15 years, the men are
allowed to become citizens of Thailand and embark on a lifestyle of their
choice. One young man, Tarn, informed Jill that he left his home in China
because he desired to have a family and respectable job. The Chinese government
had forced Tarn’s father to fight against the drug traffickers, and that life
did not appeal to Tarn. Jill explained one of the hardest things was seeing how
a young man’s childhood was stripped from him simply because he did not want to
live in a place where he could be shot, join the trafficking, or be forced to
work in a dangerous government job.
If people in the United States could know one thing about
human trafficking, Jill wishes they knew that it happens everywhere. While most
people think it does not exist around them, they have no idea that Seattle is
second in the country for sex trafficking—Portland taking first place. This is
not a problem that just happens in other places; it is something which affects
people all around us. Informed people can help end the problem, and this group
desires to start providing the information. To work towards this end, the team
will be publishing their photographs at the end of the trip. In the past,
publication was a book which compiled photos from all of the photographers.
Additionally, Jill and most of her teammates have public blogs on which they
publish stories and photos of what they encounter. Those who desire to learn
more and become involved in the United States should visit the Not for Sale
Campaign website.
Since she began her trip in Thailand in April, Jill has
encountered incredible experiences. She hopes that she can show people Jesus’
love while hearing and documenting their stories. Also, she has a passion for
increasing awareness around the world. Her photographs are beautiful and
accomplish her goal. As Jill’s work demonstrates, a picture can really be worth
a thousand words.
If you read through that whole thing, here's your reward: some of Jill's other work. Her photos are incredible. As I'm looking to getting my own apartment in the future, I've been trying to figure out which pictures I want to buy prints of to put on my are my finalists :)